Defrosting the Fridge

January 12, 2009

Welcome back to Central for the start of a new year. The Christmas break went far too quickly andI don’t know of anyone who is really keen to be shut up indoors during Perth’s lovely summer weather. The small white appliances in the library workroom that also go by the name of fridge had to be defrosted and cleaned before they could be used and it’s high time that The Fridge blog was also defrosted and aired once again.

To make things easier for students I have found this fantastic post called 10+ Web Tools To Save Your Butt In School. It discusses and gives the links to sites like PinkMonkey, BibMe, FlashCardExchange, LectureFox and many others.

New Developments:

  1. On the College website there now there is a link to the Library website by way of a drop-down menu from the Current Students tab.
  2. And … (drumroll) … WiFi is at long last available in the Perth Campus Library. Please ask at the Library Service Desk for details.